Monday, July 21, 2008

Something Scrumptious

This is something absolutely scrumptious--only not edible! It is my favorite Bernini fountain in all of Rome, in all of Italy, in all the world. La Fontana della Tartarughe...Fountain of the Turtles.

When I was in Rome this past April, I had the most delicious surprise--they had cleaned and restored the fountain to pristine perfectness!
Here's a piece of my poem "Meeting."

...favorite fountain in Piazza Mattei—

la Fontana delle Tartarughe—
the fountain of the turtles, but if truth be told,
the turtles were added later to Bernini’s youths,

arms and hands upheld, upturned.
How joy springs from those lithe bodies...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful fountain~lovely poem. Thanks for sharing!