Here is a fabulous recipe for one of my Dad's favorites...
Coffee Cake or Crumb Cake
It is very easy, and doesn't take a lot of time to prepare.
You need a cookie sheet with sides. I use a rather large one so that the cake is thin and the crumbs are thick.
I cheat and use 1 yellow cake mix (any brand will do, I use Betty Crocker!)
whatever the cake mix requires
For crumbs:
2 1/2 sticks of butter or margarine (softened)
1 cup of sugar
2 - 3 cups of flour (I use my hands to feel the consistency, it should be fairly dry and rice like)
1 teaspoon of vanilla
2 1/2 tablespoons of cinnamon
Prepare cake mix per box instructions and put in greased cookie sheet. Bake for 12 minutes. While cake is baking, in a large bowl, cream sugar and butter. Add the remaining ingredients and mix until the desired consistency. Take cake out of oven and sprinkle crumb mixture over it. Return to oven and bake for another 11 minutes. Toothpick must come out clean. Sprinkle confectionery sugar and enjoy!!!!!
For the very spoiled, I sprinkle a mixed version of the powdered sugar with a little bit of cocoa!
DEAD MAN’S SHOES by Marion Todd
4 weeks ago
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