This Carrot Cake recipe is bilingual. I wrote it for Sandra and Franco Brasolin’s youngest daughter, Ornella, who tasted it in the good old US of A. These are dear friends of ours, and we’ve known them since before our son was born. Franco manufactures jewelry in Milano, and Felipe and I translate for him when he does the spring JCK show in the Venetian in Las Vegas. We dine out every night of the show, and eat good food, and while eating, like all good Italians, we talk about food—that being served, that which has been consumed recently, etc.
Per: Ornella
For: Ornella
Eccoci qua la ricetta per Carrot Cake.
Here is the recipe for CARROT CAKE
Ha bisogno di una teglia quadrata di 20 cm. Ungi bene la teglia, e spargere farina sopra.
You need a square pan about 8 inches by 8.
Ungi bene la teglia e spargere la farina.
Butter the pan and sprinkle with flour.
Devi mettere tutti gli ingredienti fuori dal frigo per u'ora prima.
Place all of the ingredients outside of the fridge for about an hour beforehand.
1 tazza di farina passata, e ripassarla
1 cup of all purpose sifted flour, sift again.
1 cucchiaio di lievito (polvere bianco)
1 spoonful if baking powder
1 cucchiaio di cannella
1 spoonful of cinnamon
½ cucchiaio di sale
½ spoonful of salt
Mescolare tutti gli ingredienti sopra e aggiunge:
Mix all the ingredients above and add:
2/3 tazza di olio vegetale
2/3 cup of vegetable oil
1 tazza di zucchero
1 cup of sugar
2 uova mescolate bene
2 eggs well beatten
Poi aggiungere:
Then add:
½ tazza di noce
½ cup of chooped nuts (any nuts will do)
1 & ½ tazze di carote gratucciate
1 & ½ cups of grated carrots
Versare dentro la teglia imburatta e mettere in forno caldo basso ( 180)per circa 30 minuti.
Pour the mix into a buttered pan and place in a hot oven (350) for about 30 minutes.
Servire con formagio di crema Philadelphia o puoi fare un “icing” dolce di:
Then serve with cream cheese or make icing of:
¾ tazza di zucchero a velo passato
¾ cup of powdered sugar
3 ounces (supergiu 1 etto) di cream cheese
3 ounces of soft cream cheese
1 & ½ chucchiaio scorza di limone o arrancio grattuciato
1 & ½ spoonfuls of lemon or orange zest
1 chucchiaio di vanilla
1 spoonful of vanilla
Lavorare bene il formaggio e aggiunge lo zucchero lentamente e poi gli altri ingredienti.
Blend the cream chees well and add the sugarslowly and then all the other ingredients.
Quando il dolce é freddo, poi spargere il “icing.”
When the cake is cold
Spero che mi caspisci!
Hope you understand me!
DEAD MAN’S SHOES by Marion Todd
4 weeks ago
Hi Nina,
20 years in Rome? You have a wealth of experience to be proud of, and I especially took note of the post on gallinella...I have never seen that here at the markets, but will be sure to check the nursery for seeds.
You must know of some interesting sagre in Lazio. We don't get to travel further than Liguria, and for the most part, have only gone to Umbria, Marche and Abruzzo. I'd be curious to know more about Rome!
Carrot cake is Doc's favorite! thanks for this great recipe. Now do you have one for cannoli filling???
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