Saltimbocca alla romana according to La Nina
Of course there really isn't any real anything, so if you're inventive, do it yourself or else follow this simple recipe WARNING!!!
This is for those who know how to cook, because there ain't NO measurements, folks, just ingredients!
So here's my version--real or not of saltimbocca the way I made it last night...
Assemble everything your require as in NEED: sliced Swiss cheese, grated parmigiano and sliced or slivered mozzarella, prosciutto crudo--not the salty one--but rather San Daniele or Parma!
Do not ask quantities--I warned you this would not be easy if you don't know what the hell you're doing in the kitchen.
Take thin sliced veal cutlets and dip them in seasoned flour and quickly saute in butter and a smidgen of olive oil.
Take them out of the big, as in huge, fry pan you're working with and set them aside.
After you finish cooking all of them set them back in the pan (not on the flame or heat) and garnish with all the goodies--ham and cheeses. Baptize with the wine and then cover and let it do its thing...melt...serve hot.
I made tiny fried peppers before hand with rock or sea salt and then served the veal with Brussels sprouts. REALLY nice with any veggie and a salad!
(these are in the range of--can be more, can be less--go figure):
2 lbs of thin-cut veal cutlets
2 tablespoons of butter
1 tablespoon of oil
grated parmigiano
shredded or sliced mozzarella
Swiss cheese sliced
slices of prosciutto crudo to cover veal
about 1/4 cup of vino biancho (I tend to be generous)
salt, pepper, garlic powder or ganules to taste
DEAD MAN’S SHOES by Marion Todd
4 weeks ago